Asked a question
Diagnosis of stress incontinence coded by which of the following...............

Diagnosis of stress incontinence coded by which of the following before taking the patient for surgery a. History b. Subjective demonstration of stress incontinence c. Objective demonstration of stress...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Ovarian precursors of oestradiol include :

Ovarian precursors of oestradiol include : a. Oestrone b. Androstenedione c. Testosterone d. All of the above e. None of the above

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
The commonest cause of stress incontinence is

The commonest cause of stress incontinence is a. Constipation b. Raised intra abdominal pressure c. Congenital weakness of sphincter d. Childbirth trauma e. Estrogen deficiency

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
The effect of ovarian steroid on anterior pituitary is

The effect of ovarian steroid on anterior pituitary is a. Direct stimulation b. Direct inhibition c. Mediated via hypothalamus d. Unknown e. Direct stimulation and inhibition

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
What are the signs of ovulation on Ultrasonography :

What are the signs of ovulation on Ultrasonography : a. Irregular follicle wall b. Collapse of follicle c. Fluid in cul de sac d. All of the above e. None of the above

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Endometroid cyst, on examination:

Endometroid cyst, on examination: a. adenexal tenderness b. cyst felt in thin people c. cyst fixed and tender d. all of the above .

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
The most common symptom of adenomyosis is :

The most common symptom of adenomyosis is : a. Dysmenorrhoea b. Menorrhagia c. Pain d. Fever e. None of the above

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Female patient with endometrial hyperplasia could be all of these except:

Female patient with endometrial hyperplasia could be all of these except: a. thecoma b. fibroma c. Brenner tumor d. follicular cyst .

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which of the following ovarian tumor is most prone to undergo torsion during pregnancy?

Which of the following ovarian tumor is most prone to undergo torsion during pregnancy? a. Serous cystadenoma b. Mucinous cystadenoma c. Dermoid cyst d. Theca lutein cyst

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
The uterus is held in anteflexed position by :

The uterus is held in anteflexed position by : a. The ventral pull of round ligament b. The dorsal pull of uterosacral ligaments c. Its weight d. All of the above e. None of the above

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Considering epithelial neoplasm of the ovaries all true except :

Considering epithelial neoplasm of the ovaries all true except : a. the commonest b. mucinous cystadenoma lined by tubal epithelium c. Brenner tumor lined by urinary tract epithelium d. embryologically...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Least common type of uterine anomaly in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss :

Least common type of uterine anomaly in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss : a. Unicornuate b. Arcuate c. Septate d. Bicornuate e. Didelphys

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Non-neoplastic ovarian cysts include all of the following except:

Non-neoplastic ovarian cysts include all of the following except: a. follicular cyst b. theca lutein cyst c. dermoid cyst d. corpus luteum cyst e. endmetroid cyst

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
All of the following mechanisms might account for a reduced risk of upper..........

All of the following mechanisms might account for a reduced risk of upper genital tract infection in users of progestin releasing IUDs, except: a. Reduced retrograde menstruation b. Decreased ovulation...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Metabolic causes of anovulatory DUB include all except :

Metabolic causes of anovulatory DUB include all except : a. Hypothyroidism b. Halban’s syndrome c. Cushing’s syndrome d. Hyperthyroidism e. diabetes mellitus

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Factors in cervical cancer development EXCEPT:

Factors in cervical cancer development EXCEPT: a. HIV infection b. Chlamydia infection c. Breast cancer d. Smoking e. Immunosuppression

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Magnesium sulphate toxicity include all EXCEPT:

Magnesium sulphate toxicity include all EXCEPT: a. CNS depression b. This drug acts only on motor end plate c. Respiratory depression d. muscle relaxant

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which of the following ovarian tumor is most prone to undergo torsion during pregnancy?

Which of the following ovarian tumor is most prone to undergo torsion during ccccc? a. Serous cystadenoma b. Mucinous cystadenoma c. Dermoid cyst d. Theca lutein cyst

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
A synthetic progestin. What is the most likely explanation for the.........

A synthetic progestin. What is the most likely explanation for the contraceptive action of this drug? a. Replacement of the LH surge by an FSH surge. b. Abolition of the LH surge c. Enhanced positive feedback...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
In DUB all are right except,:

In DUB all are right except,: a. may be associated with hypothyroidism b. may be associated with post-menopausal bleeding c. may be associated with functional ovarian cysts d. may present as menorrhagia...

August 7, 2024 2
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