An X-linked recessive condition called the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) was first identified as a clinical triad of dermatitis, tiny platelets, and thrombocytopenia.

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Three surfaces. A different way to think of the lung is as having three surfaces—costal, medial, and diaphragmatic—that are separated by three borders (anterior, posterior and inferior

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Skeletal muscle, Cardiac muscle and Smooth muscle.Skeletal muscle contractions can be controlled voluntarily. The origin of a single skeletal muscle, in this example the triceps muscle, is joined to a...

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A pulmonary contusion is an injury to the lung parenchyma in the absence of laceration to lung tissue or any vascular structures. It usually results from blunt chest.

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In Caucasians the incidence of factor V Leiden is 5%.It is most common in Caucasians from central and northern Europe. The incidence in this population is estimated to be 3 -7 %.

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Selective involvement of the parietal pleura is typical

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