Paramedics World QnA
Question & Answers Forum For Medics
Bronchial artery embolisation (BAE) is an established treatment method for massive haemoptysis
Impairment of the capacity of the tubule to perform osmotic work
ELISA. An immunological technique frequently used to assess antibodies, antigens, proteins, and glycoproteins in biological materials is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Langerhans cells are macrophages seen in the skin. The Langerhans cell is a phagocyte.
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is rarely elevated.
is the result of a vasospastic reaction
Higher in frequency.
Urodynamic studies
Ten glucose units
mucinous cystadenoma lined by tubal epithelium Explanation - mucinous cystadenoma lined by tall columnar mucous secreting epithelium (as cervix).