Hey! I'm Ayushi kumari, a first year medical student in India. I've always wanted to serve people whole heartedly.

b. Posterior the body of the twelfth thoracic vertebra c. Anterior the xiphoid process of the sternum d. Anterior and lateral the joined cartilage of the seventh to twelfth ribs

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b) T2-weighted images are most useful in the assessment of chest wall invasion c) MRI is the best modality to assess superior sulcus tumors

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A. Can be measured with an indicator dilution technique using deuterium oxide. B. Is smaller on average in women than in men. E. Is less than 80 percent in young adults

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a. Transversus thoracis d. Levatores costarum

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Milk is deficient in:   (A) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin K

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B. Takes place in the reticulo-endothelial system. D. Yields bilirubin which is carried by plasma protein to the liver.

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a) There is an increased incidence in patients with systemic sclerosis b) Spontaneous radiographic improvement may occur c) Small cystic lucent areas are frequently seen on CT d) Pleural effusions are...

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e. Posterior rami of the thoracic spinal nerves only for levatores costarum

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