Hi, I am a biology Lecturer, from Pakistan
Asked a question
What type of muscle is specialized for contraction?

What type of muscle is specialized for contraction? A. Skeletal muscle B. Cardiac muscle C. Smooth muscle D. Skeletal muscle and Cardiac muscle E. Skeletal muscle, Cardiac muscle and Smooth muscle

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Where is mesothelium found?

Where is mesothelium found? A. Mucosa B. Sub mucosa C. Muscularis externa D. Serosa

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
What is the term for the process used by cells for the transport in of particulate matter?

What is the term for the process used by cells for the transport in of particulate matter? A. Endocytosis B. Exocytosis C. Pinocytosis D. Phagocytosis

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
What type of glands are the ceruminous glands?

What type of glands are the ceruminous glands? A. Sebaceous glands B. Eccrine sweat gland C. Endocrine gland D. Apocrine sweat gland E. Oil gland

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which one of the following when added to a culture of non-encapsulated..............

Which one of the following when added to a culture of non-encapsulated pneumococci derived from a type 1 strain will result in biosynthesis of type 3 polysaccharide? a. Bacteriophage specific for type...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which one of the following is an example of lysogenic conversion?

Which one of the following is an example of lysogenic conversion? A. Elimination of temperate phage B. Induction of the lytic phase C. Production of immunity to superinfection D. Prophage controlled toxogenicity...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
What statement does NOT apply to bacterial plasmids?

What statement does NOT apply to bacterial plasmids? a. Associated with genetic transfer by conjugation b. Exist as self-replicating extra-chromosomal DNA c. Found only in Gram-negative species d. May...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
In bacterial transformation, how much of the donor genome is usually....................

In bacterial transformation, how much of the donor genome is usually integrated with the DNA of the recipient cell? a. About half b. All of it c. A small fraction d. Most of it e. None of it.

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which description applies specifically to Hfr cells?

Which description applies specifically to Hfr cells? a. Cells capable of conjugation b. Cells with F pili c. Cells with integrated F factor d. F+cells e. Donor cells in genetic transfer.

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which bacterial group forms over 90 per cent of the commensal flora of the intestine in an adult?

Which bacterial group forms over 90 per cent of the commensal flora of the intestine in an adult? a. Facultative anaerobic coliforms b. Gram-positive bacilli c. Obligate aerobes d. Obligate anaerobes e....

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which term best denotes the relatively harmless bacteria which inhabit the...........

Which term best denotes the relatively harmless bacteria which inhabit the surfaces of the skin, upper respiratory tract and intestine? A. Commensals B. Invasive organisms C. Non-invasive organisms D....

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which organism has a specific affinity for ciliated epithelium?

Which organism has a specific affinity for ciliated epithelium? a. Borde tella pertussis b. Haemophilus parainfluenzae c. Listeria monocytogenes d. Mycoplasma pneumoniae e. Streptococcus pneumoniae.

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which site normally lacks a commensal flora?

Which site normally lacks a commensal flora? a. Appendix b. External auditory meatus c. Female lower genital tract d. Nasal vestibule e. Trachea.

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which one of the following genera predominates in the initial colonization.........

Which one of the following genera predominates in the initial colonization of the lower intestine in healthy breast-fed babies? a. Escherichia b. Clostridium c. Lactobacillus d. Staphylococcus e. Streptococcus.

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
For what reason are fluid enrichment media used in clinical microbiology?

For what reason are fluid enrichment media used in clinical microbiology? a. To dilute inhibitory substances in the specimen b. To prevent multiplication during transit c. To provide essential nutrients...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which one of the following is the active agent in bacterial transformation?

Which one of the following is the active agent in bacterial transformation? a. Chemical mutagen b. Episome c. Extracted or released DNA d. Temperate bacteriophage e. Virulent bacteriophage.

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Absence of which enzyme from most anaerobic bacteria accounts for...........

Absence of which enzyme from most anaerobic bacteria accounts for the lethal effect of oxygen on strict anaerobes? a. Catalase b. Coagulase c. Oxidase d. Hyaluronidase e. Urease.

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which factor inhibits the germination of tetanus spores in the tissues?

Which factor inhibits the germination of tetanus spores in the tissues? a. Calcium ions introduced with contaminating soil B. Devitalized and necrotic tissue C. High local oxidation-reduction potential...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Which statement about the action of penicillin is FALSE?

Which statement about the action of penicillin is FALSE? L. Gram-negative bacilli are usually resistant M. Interferes with normal murein synthesis N. Mammalian cells unaffected O. Most effective against...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
For what reason is penicillin lethal to bacteria yet essentially non-toxic for mammalian cells?

For what reason is penicillin lethal to bacteria yet essentially non-toxic for mammalian cells? a. High population density of host cells neutralize its effect b. Mammalian cells are impermeable to penicillin...

August 7, 2024 2
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