Asked a question
Nodules in the thyroid multiple choice question:

Nodules in the thyroid A. neoplastic change is more likely to occur in a solitary nodule than multiple nodules B. male to female ratio 4:1 C. malignant nodules are often “warm” on scanning D. solitary...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Prolactinoma can present with all, EXCEPT

Prolactinoma can present with all, EXCEPT A. increased menstrual bleeding B. bitemporal hemianopia C. galactorrhoea D. infertility E. hypogonadism in women

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
A peripheral blood smear taken from a 72 year old man shows.........

A peripheral blood smear taken from a 72 year old man shows marked anisocytosis and poikilocytosis. The mean corpuscular volume is increased, and the neutrophils are hypersegmented. This patient probably...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
A favourable response to splenectomy is most likely to occur in

A favourable response to splenectomy is most likely to occur in A. hereditary elliptocytosis B. Thalassaemia major C. paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria D. hereditary spherocytosis E. autoimmune haemolytic...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Local metabolic activity is the chief factor determining the rate of blood flow to the

Local metabolic activity is the chief factor determining the rate of blood flow to the A. Heart. B. Skin. C. Skeletal muscle. D. Lung. E. Kidney

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Coronary blood flow to the left ventricle increases during........

Coronary blood flow to the left ventricle increases during A. Early systole. B. Myocardial hypoxia. C. Hypothermia. D. Stimulation of sympathetic nerves to the heart. E. Arterial hypertension.

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
In patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

In patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) A. Neutrophils are more affected than lymphocytes. B. Total white cell count is a better indicator of progression than any subset of white...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Intravenous infusion of one litre of

Intravenous infusion of one litre of A. Normal (isotonic) saline increases the ECF more than the ICF volume. B. 10 per cent dextrose provides sufficient energy for a sedentary adult for one day. C. A suspension...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Plasma bilirubin multiple choice question.

Plasma bilirubin A. Is a steroid pigment. B. Is converted to biliverdin in the liver. C. Does not normally cross cerebral capillary walls. D. Is freely filtered in the renal glomerulus. E. Is sensitive...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Blood platelets assist in arresting bleeding by

Blood platelets assist in arresting bleeding by A. Releasing factors promoting blood clotting. B. Adhering together to form plugs when exposed to collagen. C. Liberating high concentrations of calcium....

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
A person with group A blood

A person with group A blood A. Has anti-B antibody in the plasma. B. May have the genotype AB. C. May have a parent with group O blood. D. May have children with group A or group O blood only. E. Whose...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
Breakdown of erythrocytes in the body

Breakdown of erythrocytes in the body A. Occurs when they are 6–8 weeks old. B. Takes place in the reticulo-endothelial system. C. Yields iron, most of which is excreted in the urine. D. Yields bilirubin...

August 7, 2024 2
Asked a question
What does “affinity” mean?vv

What does “affinity” mean? a) A measure of how tightly a drug binds to plasma proteins b) A measure of how tightly a drug binds to a receptor c) A measure of inhibiting potency of a drug d) A measure...

August 7, 2024 2
Posted an answer


August 7, 2024 5