The manubrium of the sternum has the following features:
a. Jugular notch located on the inferior border, median located
b. Clavicular notches located on the superior border, lateral to the jugular notch
c. Costal facets for the articulation with the first three ribs
d. Costal facet for the articulation with the first rib and a demifacet for the articulation with the second rib
e. Only the first costo-sternal articulation is a fibrous synarthrosis
The correct features of the manubrium of the sternum are:
– The jugular notch is on the superior border.
– Clavicular notches are also lateral to the jugular notch on the superior border.
– It has a costal facet for the first rib and a demi facet for the second rib.
– Only the first costo-sternal articulation is a fibrous synarthrosis.